Welcome to Beyond the Gym!

First thing I need you doing is checking out the welcome video so we are on the same page, then you can start getting after it!

When you sign up, your app account is automatically created and sent to you via e-mail, so you can immediately download it and send your program request through Messages in the app, where we are working for you 24 hours per day!

For any personal questions that may come up along your journey, you have our personal WhatsApp numbers where you can message us and receive response under 24 hours, 7 days a week:

Dr. Wes: 201 213 5196



Phase 1

There are 4 different sessions.

Each session is to be done once a week. We also have an optional handstand day that can be performed up to 3x’s a week. You can either do these on the other 3 days a week if you like moving everyday, or perform them after your main session for the day.

The program is on the app for anyone who wants to begin.

This program will yield greater flexibility gains than any program we have created to date.

Here is the program, with 48 new videos to teach it…

Cover how to modify the workouts if in pain, sore or loosing motivation.

Session 1 (Pull/Dynamic Focus) ….shoulder flexion focus

A. Mixed Grip Chin-up @40x2: 4-6 reps total (2-3/side) x 4; rest 90 seconds
B. CTB Chin-up Isometric hold: 10-20 seconds x 4; rest 90
C1. Standing SA Bicep Curl: 8 reps/side x 2; rest as needed
C2. Prone Pass Through: 10 reps x 2; ran
D1. Incline Bicep Curl: 8 reps/side x 2; ran
D2. Prone Pass Through: 10 reps x 2; ran

Session 2 (Push/Dynamic Focus) ….shoulder extension focus

A. Every Minute on the Minute x 10 minutes: Piked Box HSPU x 1-3 reps B1. Ring Supports: 10-12 seconds x 5; rest 30 seconds
B2. Ring Push-ups: 6-8 reps x 5; rest 120 seconds
C. Dumbbell Cuban Rotation @4020: 10 reps x 3; rest 90 seconds
D. Barbell Roll-Out: 5-7 reps x 3; rest 75 seconds

Session 3 (Lower Body)

A. ATG DB Split Squats: 8 reps/side x 4; rest 90 seconds b/t legs
B. RDL @50x0: 6-8 reps x 4; rest 90 seconds
C1. KOT Squats: 10 reps x 3; rest 75 seconds
C2. Nordic Curls: 10 reps x 3; rest 75 seconds
D1. One Legged Good mornings: 5 reps/side x 3; ran
D2. Adductor Stretch (need a better name) 5 reps/side + 15 second hold on last rep x 3; ran

Session 4 (Push/Pull Straight Arm)

A. 12 Minute AMRAP for Quality:Banded Planche Work - TBD on what this looks like 1. Banded Tuck Planche x 10 seconds
2. Arching Active Hangs x 3 reps with a 3 second hold at the top of every rep

B1. Wall Planche Push-ups: 4-6 reps x 3; rest 75 seconds

B2. Pull downs: 10 reps x 3; rest 75 seconds

C. YTLW @30x1: 5 reps of each x 4; rest 120 seconds

Morning Mobility….Dynamic/not a lot of static, light, just to start the day

A1. Wrist: Wrist Peels: 10 reps x 3

A2. German Squats: 10 reps x 3

A3. Spotted Squat: 30-60 seconds x 3….add in TA, Hip compression, Thoracic Spine extension cue. As well as much or as little spotting as you want. Circling back and forth is another option

Handstand Work….1-3x’s a week

A1. Front Body Line: 20 Seconds x 3; ran

A2. Back Body Line: 20 Second x 3; ran

A3. First Knuckle Raise: 10 reps x 3; ran

B. Chest to wall Handstand: 10-30 seconds x 5; ran

C. Split Kick-ups: Accumulate 25 reps at your own pace