Why Individual Design?

When you put your destination into google maps, there is never any doubt in your mind you are going to get to where you want to go. Think how complicated travel used to be, using the stars, a compass or an actual physical map. Now Imagine having google maps for your fitness goals! Eliminating any doubt in your mind you aren’t on the right path to reach your goals. It doesn’t matter if your goal is strength, flexibility or to work around an injury. Working with a coach is like having your own guaranteed map to reach your goals. Stop wasting time trying to piece together your own workouts from instagram that aren’t specific to you. This is the equivalent of trying to use a compass vs google maps to get to where you want to go! Gets started today to get the accountability, support and knowledge for real results!


Tier 1 | $400/month

For those who want to take their training to the next level!

  • 16 week custom program in an easy to use APP

  • Monthly coaching calls w/ Dr. Wes

  • 24/7 Text Access

  • Video review - This is critical if you have specific performance goals or are working around any injury.

  • Nutrition, recovery and lifestyle recommendations specific to you



TIER 2 | $250 /mo

  • Custom 4 Week Training Cycles

  • Work directly with Dr. Wes to track weekly training progress and receive feedback

  • Multiple check-ins per week with Dr. Wes

  • On boarding assessment to assist in developing your personalized training program

  • Personalized daily training goals to keep you focused and on track

  • Constant communication with your coach allows your training to be adjusted as need to keep you on track

TIER 3 | $200….Available only w/ Coach Stephanie

  • Custom 4 Week Training Cycles

  • Work directly with your personal coach to track weekly training progress and provide feedback

  • Multiple check-ins per week with your coach

  • On boarding assessment to assist us in developing your personalized training program

  • Personalized daily training goals to keep you focused and on track

  • Constant communication with your coach allows your training to be adjusted as need to keep you on track
