IMPORTANT! Read Below BEFORE You Use Your Strength and Flexibility Guide You Just Requested (Allow 10 - 15 Minutes For Delivery)
Thanks so much for requesting your Strength and Flexibility Guide! You've made a great move there.
The guide has been sent to the email address you provided, but before you check your inbox I need you to read this first...Now that you have your guide, I want to show you how to take this resource to the next level, and even GIFT you a FREE BONUS just for taking action!
But before I do that, let me ask you a question...
The Strength and Flexibility guide is amazing, it's NOT what I would potentially start everyone off with!
That’s because its not specific to any one goal. Its a very well rounded program that addresses a mix of upper and lower body strength and mobility with gymnastics work as its foundation.
But What If I Have Specific Goals?
After all...
You might have your sights set on your first chin-up, front split, workout around your lower back pain or get your first one arm chin-up!
I have the solution for you. Let me explain...
What if you could figure out exactly where you need to be focusing your attention on to bring up your weak links? What movements you should be doing for your ability level? What to prioritize and how often you should be doing them?
The perfect program for you, so you can stop piecing together your workouts from your favorite social media pages.
And for a very limited time I’ll let you have instant access to a free strategy call with me!
Schedule This Before I Stop Doing These
Does scheduling a strategy call commit me to signing up for remote programming with Dr. Wes?
No, not at all! Hoping on a call just speeds up the back and forth of asking Dr. Wes a training question in his DM’s.
Do I get an actual program from Dr. Wes?
No, thats reserved for his personal remote clients. Dr. Wes will help you structure out your workout routine based on your goals, but you better be taking notes!
How soon can I schedule a call?
Hit the button above and it takes you to his calendar where you can see what availability works for you!