You may have Flexible Hamstrings, but can You Control Them?

Athletes spend a lot of time in order to try to make their hamstrings longer or more flexible. While this is a great thing to be working on, unfortunately this is only one piece of the puzzle.

If you are performing any activity such as running or cycling where your hamstrings are going through a full range of shortening and lengthening actively then it is equally as important to learn how to control you hamstrings in a shortened and lengthened position. 

The drill above is just one example of what I use with my patients and athletes to help them strengthen their hamstrings in a shortened position. There are a number of regressions, progression and lateralization’s that can be used with each athlete based on their specific strengths and weaknesses.


You will most likely get cramping in the back of the hamstrings or even in the bottom of the foot when attempting this. Cramping in this situation is what is going to be referred to as neurological confusion. 

Your hamstring doesn’t know how to function in this shortened position. 

Your nervous system gets all confused and sends impulses to the hamstrings, which then begin to cramp.